Monday, June 3, 2013

Starred on Google Reader: Manage your Evernote Reminders with Remember The Milk

Yes, the cow and the elephant are together at last! Evernote integration has been one of our most requested features, and since Evernote launched Reminders last week, Bob T. Monkey has been furiously coding away. (The only time he surfaced over the weekend was when he ran out of bananas…)

We're excited to announce that you can now automagically sync your Evernote Reminders with Remember The Milk. When you create Reminders in Evernote, they'll be added to your Remember The Milk account. You can edit and complete them in either Evernote or Remember The Milk, and we'll keep everything up-to-date!

Evernote + Remember The Milk

Powerful task features for your Evernote Reminders

The really cool thing about having your Evernote Reminders in Remember The Milk is all of the awesome extra features you can now use for your Reminders: you can give them priorities, time estimates, tags, locations, and URLs. Plus, you can make them repeat, too!

You can also take advantage of powerful features like the ability to edit the properties for multiple tasks at once, options for sorting your lists, and the very cool Smart Lists for showing tasks that meet your criteria.

Link with your Notes in Evernote

Not only do your Evernote Reminders appear in Remember The Milk, but there's a handy Evernote icon on each one that opens the related Evernote Note. In our web app, clicking the icon will pop up the Note:

Remember The Milk web app linking to Evernote Note

While in our Android app, tapping the icon will take you straight to the Note in Evernote's Android app:

Remember The Milk Android app linking to Evernote Note

What about iOS, you ask? Support for this feature in our iPhone and iPad apps is coming soon!

Take your Evernote Reminders everywhere

Check out all the new places your Evernote Reminders can go! Not only can you manage your Evernote Reminders in our web, Android, iPhone, iPad, and BlackBerry 10 apps, but you can now sync your Evernote Reminders with Microsoft Outlook via MilkSync, and see your Reminders in Gmail and Google Calendar, too.

Reminders for Evernote Reminders

Reminder methods

Once your Evernote Reminders are in Remember The Milk, you can take advantage of the ridonculous number of reminder methods we support to get reminded about your Evernote Reminders (that sounds slightly meta…).

You can get reminded by email, SMS, instant messenger (AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Google+ Hangouts (Google Talk), ICQ, Jabber (XMPP), Microsoft Messenger, Skype, and Yahoo! Messenger), Twitter, desktop notifications, and notifications on Android, iPhone, iPad, and BlackBerry 10. Learn more about setting up reminders.

Sound good?

via Remember The Milk - Blog

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