Sunday, June 30, 2013

In Theaters This Summer!!

via Lolcats

Google Reader Alternatives

RSS feeds have been a big part of my strategy for information management for years. I’ve liked Google Reader for [...]

via The Creative Librarian

Now Who's Laughing?

via I Has A Hotdog

Friday, June 28, 2013

Downtown Milford

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Monday, June 24, 2013

My current fav iPhone game. Fish Out of Water

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Tier 15 Armor Fashionista

Tier 15 Armor Fashioista

Yes I know late start on this one as Tier 16 is already getting some previews, but better late than never.

Screenshot_6_16_13_1_13_PM Screenshot_6_16_13_1_14_PM Screenshot_6_16_13_1_15_PM Death Knight – All-Consuming Maw

I love that it’s not in shades of black. Hate the teeth on this thing.

Rate : Thumbs Down

Screenshot_6_16_13_2_43_PM Screenshot_6_16_13_2_44_PM Screenshot_6_16_13_2_45_PM Druid – Haunted Forest

Does appear to be a creapy forest, but very dark for my likes.

Rate: Thumbs Down

Screenshot_6_16_13_2_46_PM Screenshot_6_16_13_2_46_PM Screenshot_6_16_13_2_47_PM Hunter – Saurock Stalker

Are those eyes on the belts? Ok, but not a favorite.

Rate: Meh.

Regalia_of_the_Chromatic_Hydra_-_Item_Set_-_World_of_Warcraft-2 Screenshot_6_16_13_2_49_PM Screenshot_6_16_13_2_49_PM Mage – Chromatic Hydra

<3 one of my favorites gold & blue

Rate: Thumbs Up

Screenshot_6_16_13_2_50_PM Screenshot_6_16_13_2_51_PM Fire-Charm_Armor_-_Item_Set_-_World_of_Warcraft Monk – Fire-Charm

Why do I want to put a monk in a skirt? Overall I like.

Rate: Thumbs Up

Screenshot_6_16_13_2_52_PM Screenshot_6_16_13_2_53_PM Screenshot_6_16_13_2_54_PM Paladin – Lightening Emperor

I like except for the helm. What is up with the glowing crotch on the belt? (may not show here)

Rate: Meh

Regalia_of_the_Exorcist_-_Item_Set_-_World_of_Warcraft Screenshot_6_22_13_12_07_AM Screenshot_6_22_13_12_10_AM Priest – Exorcist

Extinguished Candles on the Shoulder are interesting, but in a WHAT THE #%^*? way. And do we need more cowbell??

Rate: Thumbs Down

Screenshot_6_22_13_12_13_AM Screenshot_6_22_13_12_14_AM Screenshot_6_22_13_12_15_AM Rogue – Nine-tail

Do we have fur? I like the belt. Shoulders are surprisingly simple. Is that a cat face?

Rate: Undecided

Screenshot_6_22_13_12_17_AM Screenshot_6_22_13_12_19_AM Screenshot_6_22_13_12_20_AM Shaman – Witch Doctor

WHAT THE #%^*? Dragon heads on hornpoints. Kinda like the belt.

Rate: Thumbs Down

Screenshot_6_22_13_12_25_AM Screenshot_6_22_13_12_24_AM Screenshot_6_22_13_12_26_AM Warlock – Thousandfold Hells

Like the Dress. Demonic icon helm.

Rate: Thumbs Up

Screenshot_6_22_13_12_28_AM Screenshot_6_22_13_12_29_AM Screenshot_6_22_13_12_31_AM Warrior – Last Mogu

OMG. I love it. Especially the LFR version in white & gold. Why can’t I have this set for my holy pally? Or actually learn to play my warrior (only one lower in level is my mage.)

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Friday, June 21, 2013

#opi liquid sand “Magazine Cover Mouse” in the Couture de Minnie kit. I like this one.

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#opi liquid sand polish Stay the Night. Not very happy with it.

via WordPress

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Starred on Google Reader: They Are Not so Easily Deceived

They Are Not so Easily Deceived

Lol by: Unknown

Tagged: fancy , picky , cat food , funny

via Lolcats