Friday, May 24, 2013

Daily Journal: VP capping a second character

View of Catskills looking over Hudson River fr...

View of Catskills looking over Hudson River from near Rhinecliff, NY, USA, in the Hudson River Historic District, a National Historic Landmark (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Woke up. Banfield was calling to check on Hudson. Cat’s doing fine. Being a lazy bum.

Addon updates: DBM – LibDataBroker, Tidy Plates, IceHUD, Symbiosis

Hunterbook – learned the Magnificent Hide Pack.

Shammybook – learned the Glyph of Skull Bash.

Shubook – did her daily & leveled to 64.

Naturebook – did Pinnacle of Storms. Then got dinner & did the other 3 (2 sets with Miltrath). On Dururmu I got a Phoenix Hatchling in the bag. After that I managed to get the scenarios & the barrens unlocked. I got her VP capped in all this. Plus used my Mojo on her to buy the pet. No significant upgrades.

Shepardbook – did the Barrens quest line. Got her the quest i502 boots. Also she got the Latent Kor’kron Pants. Got shoulders & helm with Book yesterday.

Hunterbook got the 1 hour leveling treatment. Also played past the reset so she learned Linked Gauntlets. She’s now 86 & in the Valley of 4 Winds.

Shammybook – learned Glyph of Aspect of the Cheetah.

Book -got Agi food for a change.

Shubook. Got her monk daily done. 13 more quests to level her.

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